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Enthusiasm and Passion: who better than them can explain the essence of the Epiphany Tournament? The numbers of the last edition are clear: 48 teams, 762 participating children and 144 matches to begin the year under the Minibasket.
Also this year we are ready, or rather more than ready, to throw us into a basketball full immersion that for 4 intensive days will make the happiness of the youngest and will guarantee as usual lots of emotions to all those present to this 16th edition of the Epiphany Tournament.
With 2014 a new era is officially beginning. After having received the inheritance left by Leopoldo, founder of the Tournament 15 years ago, has gained ground a generation change which has brought new incentives and strong motivations inside the organizing machine.
Enthusiasm and Passion are therefore the pillars around which rotates a staff that year after year, in spite of the economic and logistics difficulties, tries to improve and to improve the Tournament itself, taking care of every slightest detail to guarantee to all the children involved an unforgettable life experience.
We believe that also this edition, seen the assumptions, will be able to encourage the course of growth of all the present children by offering them the possibility to spend these days with a smile on their lips.
And after all what is more beautiful than seeing a child smiling?

Happy New Year and have a Nice Tournament!

The Organizers

48 teams, 800 children, 144 matches in only 4 days: the numbers of last year Befana Tournament are clear, but they are not dry, because they are supported by a great passion for the minibasket and its educational aims. Last year 48 teams of the “Aquilotti” category participated in the Befana Tournament organized in Padua province, from the team of societies which refers to the Hurricane Basketball. The Tournament, since 1999, has been a success as the parents, children, coaches and managers are satisfied and gratified. The reason? Surely a more than efficient logistic organization that starts to organize the year before the Tournament, but also an healthy environment which respects the educational psychology necessities of the children, the protagonists of the many matches. The Tournament has grown through the years, going from a regional dimension to a national one, and has now become in the last years an European one which always creates new incentives in the organizers and the possibility of comparison for the coaches and the mini-basketball players. This kind of experience enlarge the passion for basketball which we consider a privileged instrument of dialogue and communication to transmit to the children our best values. Not only for the future of our sport, but also and moreover of our society. The 2014 edition is aiming to beat the “numbers” of 2013 edition. I wish this for the organizers. As President of the Italian Basketball Federation (FIP)I congratulate on the opportunity of socialization, exchanges and personal growth, besides technique, that the Befana Tournament offers to its participants. 

The President of the Italian Basketball Federation
Giovanni Petrucci

It is said that records are made to be beaten. Behind this sentence there is the double essence of sport, unavoidable activity of life which is at the same time the means to reach finishing lines and the motive to beat limits. On presenting the 16th edition of the International Befana Tournament I want to start right from this interpretation of the word ‘’record’’, as this event embodies the very meaning of it. Looking at the hit targets, the numbers of the 2013 edition of the International kermess dedicated to the Aquilotti (kids) category are amazing: 762 players, 48 participating teams, 144 matches, 8 playing fields in 4 days of an intense and gripping mini-basket. But also important are the aims the Hurricane Basketball organizers have fixed also for this international edition, which will see all the Padua province on the logistic support for the sport activities and also on host centres for the many teams coming from all Italy and Europe. Expectations to maintain and dreams to realize in the first great appointment of the year in the Italian Minibasket calendar. Between share and friendship, for four days on our sliced ball emblem, the sports tool with which the basketball players of all ages reach and surpass their own records.

There is nothing left to say but to wish everybody to have a good time!

The President of theYouth Sector, Minibasket and of the Italian Basketball Federation School
Eugenio Crotti

It is with a great pleasure, after having signed the Sponsorship of the Veneto Regional Committee to the 16th edition of the Epiphany Tournament, that I want to greet this new organizing group, for having continued to organize a tournament, which involves more than 700 people, between children and technicians, countless gyms, without considering the number of family members involved. Certainly, a great party for our minibasket.
Where I imagine a total involvement of the environment. Where these children (classes 2003 and 2004) will make us feel part of their difficulties and of their joys, hoping that there will be many joys to accompany them in this tournament, but above all in the continuation of their life.
I thank the organizers, “rich of young people and full of will and passion”, because dedicating the tournament to such young children, they make sure that these, after experiences like this, can devote with passion to the sport, and in particular to basketball.
Thanks also to the parents, that in such a difficult moment of our time, understand how important it is, to follow their own children in these little “challenges”, but also afterwards, because, in the end we all need athletes, who are able shoot the basket also in life.
But I could not forget to thank my friend Leopoldo Carraro who has been the father of this tournament, thanks for the devotion that he always has towards basketball.
Well, have a nice tournament! … let the basketball win … or better still the minibasket!
And to everybody, best wishes for a Happy New Year!

President of the Veneto Regional Committee of the Italian Basketball Federation
Bruno Polon

How to begin at the best the new year? Naturally with one of the most renowned and important minibasket Tournaments of Italy. The Befana Tournament, reached at this point its 16th edition, actually represents a melting pot of emotions and fun for more than 800 children, Italian and not, who can live through the minibasket four days of sport and personal growth at 360°.
The excellent organization, grown through the years in the hands of Leopoldo Carraro, since this year it is totally entrusted to the enthusiast and committed management of Andrea Beghin and Emanuele Mura with their young and competent staff. It is thanks to this kind of sporting events that makes a paduan (and not only) comeback the most beautiful sport of the world, able to blossom new friendships feeding a team spirit, which goes beyond the playing field.
In the name of the paduan basketball movement I wish therefore to say a great “good luck” to all the young athletes, coaches, parents, referees and all the organizers, that with their dedication make possible the realization of the 2014 Befana Tournament.

There is nothing left to say but wish a happy new year and…have a good minibasket!

President of the Padua Provincial Committee FIP
Roberto Nardi

A new era is beginning, or rather the organization of the Epiphany Tournament 2014 comes between the walls of Nuova Pallacanestro Dese.
The Epiphany Tournament is promptly going towards the legal age, reserving in this 16th edition an epoch-making turning point.
The brilliant author, Leopoldo Carraro, after some years of profitable collaboration, has let the lead of the organizing machine to the young and dynamic Andrea Beghin and Emanuele Mura. Leopoldo’s action does not have to be read only as a recognition of the ideas and energies freshness that are necessary to keep always at the top of the National panorama an International tournament winning for formula, liking and transmitted values.
Leopoldo sends out also a message/metaphor which has a strong and topical meaning such as never before and directed to those generations that placing before personal interests, greed and desire to be the centre of attention cannot give way to those who have lots of energy, new ideas and the ability to analyse and understand the dynamism of the times in which we are living.
Only beginning from this kind of actions, in my opinion, Italy could begin dreaming again of a better future. The Epiphany Tournament, in the previous editions, has given joy to thousands of children and certainly, thanks to Andrea and Emanuele, will continue to do so in the following years.
Nuova Pallacanestro Dese, which I represent, has immediately made itself available to support the “duet of wonders” backing the enthusiasm and the wealth of ideas.
The objective is to make the greatest number of children smile and dream and in this perspective Nuova Pallacanestro Dese is always ready to commit.
Have a nice Tournament!

President of Nuova Pallacanestro Dese
Andrea Franceschi

The beginning of the Tournament is near and the organizer machine has already a hot motor as to get everything working as programmed. Being part of the societies which participate in the Tournament and at the same time hosting the teams which for the first time will arrive also in Camposampiero, make us feel even more enthusiastic. Everything is possible thanks to the organizers who give the opportunity to our kids to taste the International spirit that this tournament can give. The athletes number tends to grow every year and the tournament, which has reached the 16th edition, consolidates its position as the point of reference of the Italian minibasket, and not only. Besides the numbers, which you see with your own eyes, there are the emotions the kids can transmit with their sincerity, and I believe this to be the main motivation which pushes forward the young organizers to continue on Leopoldo’s path. What can give us this tournament edition? Dear parents, let’s sit down on the field rim and we will find it out together.

Have a good time!

Olimpia Camposampiero President
Flavio Camporese

After some years in which our Minibasket team participates enthusiastically in this amazing “Befana Tournament”, with the collaboration of Santa Maria di Sala Municipality, we are proud to host a part of this initiative in our “Nido di Rondini”, as it is called Caltana’s gym. We thank all the organization which thought us to be up to this task, but above all we wish all the kids participating, their coaches, the parents and all the people who are in any way involved in this adventure, to live every moment of this Tournament with joy and serenity. We hope for everyone to live an important experience of sport and share, beyond the results on the backboard, which will leave us a meaningful seed of friendship.

Jolly Basket President
Gianluca Danesin

Also this year Villafranca Padovana’s Municipal Administration is glad to host the traditional “Minibasket Befana Tournament 2014”, which has reached the 16th edition and has become a traditional and unique meeting in the background of the national minibasket.
As we all know sport has a fundamental role in the construction of the personal self-esteem and in the realization of the individual, and at the same time it fosters development of the sense of belonging and promotes the achievement of the personal self-esteem.
In the name of the Administration I wish to thank all the people who have contributed and will contribute to the good result of the event and I take the opportunity to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to the players, their families and the coaches.

The Councillor responsible for Sport of the Villafranca Padovana Municipality
Massimo Zilio

In the name of Piombino Dese Municipal Administration I welcome the several athletes who will participate in the 16th edition of the Befana Tournament. Also this year we are ready to accommodate you in our gyms, convinced that this short, but intensive sport experience will strengthen you in spirit and character.
My personal thank you goes also to Nuova Pallacanestro Dese, which plays a leading role in the organization of this Tournament and that since forever does everything in its power to spread the Basket culture from the earliest childhood.
Therefore I give you an appointment to the next 2nd of January for the starting whistle of the first match, when you will break out all your joy and vitality in the magical Christmas atmosphere.
Good luck and have a good time!

Deputy Mayor of Piombino Dese Municipality
Ilario Livieri



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